Distinct Nostalgia

Happy Birthday Juliet Bravo - Another Chance to Hear A Very Special Reunion as the show turns 40!


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Juliet Bravo burst onto our screens on a Saturday night exactly 40 years ago. It was an almost instant success with its tales of policing in the northern fictional town of Hartley. Late last year we brought together Inspectors Darbley and Longton (aka Stephanie Turner and Anna Carteret) for a fabulous hour of memories about the ground-breaking show. As it's the big anniversary month, we thought we put it out again. Enjoy!

From now onwards you can enjoy 4 NEW Distinct Nostalgia shows every single week

We have a specials day when we'll have docs, comedy, drama and themed interviews and reunions - and occasional repeats. 

Thursday is now Distinct Nostalgia soap day. Loads of retro soap chat with the actual stars who were there ... 

The regular Distinct Nostalgia programme moves to the weekend with a variety of shows celebrating all our tv and film yesterdays - currently alternating between Classic British Film and Classic British Sitcom. 

And then we’ve the Distinct Nostalgia Mind of the Month Quiz with Andy Hoyle on Sundays. (note: the quiz is taking a break during September). Look out for details of its temporary replacements)

Distinct Nostalgia - 4 Times A Week plus a treasure trove of programmes to listen to any time at DistinctNostalgia.com

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